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Event information for the visitor

Festival area

The festival area is located this year, due to weather conditions, on the Nallikari lighthouse peninsula and only partly on the sea ice, marked with signs. Due to the exceptionally warm weather, the terrain is slushy, wet and slippery on the ice, although the ice is durable. The durability of the sea ice at the festival area has been assessed by the professional and found to be safe. The number of visitors in the area will be limited if necessary.

The festival programme also takes place at the beachside Restaurant Nallikari.

Note! Going outside the festival area is at your own risk. Do not move far from the festival area and the beach if you are not familiar with the prevailing ice conditions.




We recommend arriving at Nallikari on foot, by bike or by bus (line 15) or carpooling to avoid traffic jams.

If you arrive by car, notice that there is a traffic construction site on Nallikarinranta road. To avoid traffic jams, we recommend leaving your car in Leiritie parking lots.


Access to the event area is from the northern end of Nallikari beach, along the footpath leading to the lighthouse. Note! Paths leading to the festival area can be wet and slippery depending on weather conditions.



Access to the event area is unfortunately not barrier-free due to its exceptional location. There is a plowed route only leading to the lighthouse. Depending on the weather conditions, the terrain can still be challenging to navigate.


Eating, drinking

At the Oulu Urban Culture info tent, refreshments and alcoholic beverages under 2.8% are sold. Terwa Foodtruck sells food at the event.

The beachside Restaurant Nallikari serves customers throughout the event and has a liquor license.

You may bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic refreshments to the festival area. There are pop-up huts with campfire spots where attendees can prepare their own snacks. Be prepared to bring your own treats!



Visitors can use toilets (baja houses) at the festival area.



We kindly ask you to take all the trash to the waste cans. Let's keep the festival area clean by taking away everything you brought to the area.



Due to the warm period, there is slippery conditions at the event area, along with water raised by the wind on the ice, and slush from melted snow. We encourage visitors to dress creatively, but even more important is that you arrive at the event with the right gear, clothes, waterproof shoes and attitude! Imagine that you are going on a winter trip. In Nallikari the wind can feel very freezing, even if there is not much cold.



  • Wear several thin layers of clothing under your outerwear and pack spare layers of clothing in your backpack.

  • Take a camping chair with you and set up a camp on the sea ice with your friends.

  • Waterproof shoes or studded shoes may be necessary.

  • Remember to keep moving and dancing!

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